保 至 藥 材 中 心
Acupuncture and Reflexology
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese form of healing that involves the insertion and manipulation of needles into specific areas of the body.
Since prehistoric times practitioners have observed that puncturing the skin in certain places affected other parts of the body. Over the centuries, Chinese practitioners evolved the elaborate system of acupuncture that is still practiced in China and many other parts of the world.
In general, acupuncture is based on the theory that specific points on the body surface are linked by channels to the various internal organs. When an organ is diseased, the corresponding surface points become tender; when the disease is cured, the surface tenderness disappears.
Thus, therapeutic acupuncture involves using needles to penetrate the skin at the relevant points to influence the corresponding organ.
Classic Chinese acupuncture uses about 365 points, which are connected by meridians and collaterals along the body's surface. The Chinese believe that Qi, the energy force that controls health and disease, flows along these meridians and collaterals. According to ancient Chinese thought, Qi was the fundamental substance constituting the universe, and all phenomena were produced by the changes and movement of Qi. The viewpoint greatly influenced ~the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. Generally speaking, the word 'Qi' in traditional Chinese medicine denotes both the essential substances of the human body which maintain its vital activities, . and the functional activities of the zang-fu organs and tissues.
Essential substances are the foundation of functional activities.· In this sense, Qi is too rarefied to be seen and its existence is manifested in the functions of the zang-fu organs. All vital activities of the human body are explained by changes and movement of Qi. There is an acupuncture authority who says that: "Qi is the root of human body, the stem and leaves would dry up without a root." Any imbalance in the life forces of yin and yang disrupts the flow of Qi. Thus, the goal of acupuncture is to cure disease or overcome pain by restoring the body's basic harmony between yin and yang.
During acupuncture, needles are inserted into specific points of the body that are believed to be related to internal organs or disease points. These needles are twirled or manipulated by the acupuncturist using different methods. The number of needles used in any given treatment depends on the goal of the acupuncture or the nature of the disorder.
No. There are may be some needling sensations such as soreness, numbness, a bloated feeling, electric shock or tingling and a slight pricking sensation when the needles are applied, but acupuncture is usually not painful. The needles are extremely thin and are inserted in the specific area, so there is rarely any bleeding.
The first visit may take 30 minutes to one hour as the acupuncturist seeks to learn as much as possible about the person’s past health history. A regular treatment just takes 20 -30 minutes. Some problems may disappear with the first visit, but chronic disease can require several follow-up visits or several programs.
Acupuncture is used to treat many problems in China. It is used especially for low energy or some painful problems, such as headache, migraine, sciatica, arthritis, rheumatism, low back pain, neck & shoulder' pain, pain or numbness of limbs, abdominal pain or facial pain. Acupuncture is also good for such diseases as M.S., stroke, diarrhea, insomnia, poor memory, edema, asthma, dysmenorrhea,' cold and flu and disease of eyes, ears, nose and throat.
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese form of healing that has evolved over the centuries.
It’s still practiced in many parts of the world,
and has been used to successfully treat low energy, headaches, migraines, sciatica, arthritis, and diseases such as M. S., stroke, insomnia, edema, asthma and many more.